I have started taking Botanical Drawing I. This is a basic drawing class with the only subject matter being botanicals. The first day we did several 1 min. gesture drawings.

The instructor then brought in an aloe plant. We looked at it and discussed it for 5-10 min. Then, to my dismay, she took it out of the room and told us to draw it. Luckily for me, I am a little familiar with aloes, because the only thing I could really remember was the brown plastic pot and the dead leaves hanging down.
I wouldn't have passed the aloe test! I don't know how you did it without having the plant in front of you. The gesture drawings are interesting -- they're small, though, and I have a hard time seeing them well. Post BIGGER pictures next time! ;-)
Karen, I just happened across your web sight and I fell like I have a pal now. I also am just starting my art journey wc and drawing are my favorits. Self taught and this is hard.I also want to do botanicals. If you come across on books videos ect keep in touch. I live in Pittsburgh Pa and art to me well I ask myself why I didnt start sooner in my life. So happy to met you.
Have a great day,
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