If double click will see some spots to the upper right of the top spines. These are caused by my pencil grabbing. Also having this problem in some other spots. This seems to happen more with harder pencils. (2H vs. 2B). Using Derwent pencils. Any suggestions on how to fix?
I think you are too critical of your work. I still can't see any problem, even when you tell me where to look.
If the harder pencil grabs the paper, maybe you need to take the point away, make it blunt. Personally I don't care to use a 2H unless I'm sketching light for either ink, w/c pencil, pastel pencil or watercolors. It's too hard except for possibly shading using the side of the pencil point.
From my perspective, it looks good just as it is!
I agree, it looks great. Though I would save the harder lead for perhaps blending after. You seem to have a stroking style, I like to move my hand in a circular path, it is easier on my arm. It also fills the paper better for my taste. I love the composition.
I'm too new to have suggestions, but I love your drawings!!
Wow, this is amazing. :o)
Wow this is really beautiful! I love the way you handle the shading
This is really lovely. I can't even see the problem areas you've mentioned.
lovely work.
Karen -- yep, this looks awesome still, but I know what you mean about the pencil catching. I had one do that to me tonight. I just re-sharpened it down past the bad area and it went fine after that. I'm remembering, too, having a mechanical pencil with a stick of lead that did that all the time -- I just trashed the lead. Maybe you need to trash the offending pencil???
Thanks to everyone for their comments. I have tried a dull pencil, a sharp pencil, and about everything in between and still have the occasional grab.
Robin your right about going in a circurlar path being less tiring - thanks.
Linda - I think your right and I need to trash the offending pencils.
Thanks and I'll be posting the "finished" drawing later this weekend.
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